About Us
At Central Health, 我们都是为了改变特拉维斯县居民的生活, especially those with low incomes. As the county’s taxpayer-funded hospital district, 我们致力于改善奥斯汀地区每个最需要的人的健康状况.
Thanks to the community’s generous support, 我们不仅履行了国家资助安全网澳门银河真人在线赌场的义务, but we’re building something bigger. We’re creating a comprehensive, 高质量的澳门银河真人在线赌场体系为更好的医疗和覆盖打开了大门, 同时解决德州中部的健康差距问题.
In 2023, 包括社区保健中心在内的澳门真人赌场官方网站系统, and Sendero Health Plans – served more than 150,000 people. That’s about one in nine Travis County residents. Our impact extends beyond providing direct care and coverage. We collaborate with a diverse network of partners, like Integral Care, the Dell Medical School at UT–Austin, 以及奥斯汀音乐家健康联盟(HAAM),以确保我们的社区更健康, stronger, and more connected.
Here’s how your tax dollars are making a difference:
- Expanding access to care
- Improving health outcomes
- Serving more people in more places
Central Health is rising to the moment
Imagine a healthcare system where everyone, regardless of income or background, feels valued, supported, and cared for. Unfortunately, the current American healthcare model falls short. 病人被简化为检查清单,利润往往优先于他们的健康. 在这个系统中导航是令人生畏的,尤其是对那些资源有限的人来说.
But in Travis County, we have hope. 因为特拉维斯县纳税人在过去二十年里所做的承诺, 澳门真人赌场官方网站处于独特的位置,可以治愈和修复破碎的东西,并建立一个以尊严和尊重对待每个人的系统.
Our mission:
Our vision:
德克萨斯州中部的澳门银河真人在线赌场对每个人来说每天都在变得更好, making Travis County a model healthy community.
About the Central Health system
Central Health 提供健康和保健服务,使特拉维斯县的澳门银河真人在线赌场更好, 包括各种专业和服务线的直接医疗服务,这些服务弥补了特拉维斯县安全网络系统中最深的缺口——从足病到肺病再到姑息治疗.
Central Health also administers the Medical Access Program (MAP), 县里低收入居民的医疗费用由哪个部门承担.
CommUnityCare Health Centers 中央健康的初级保健诊所网络是为特拉维斯县低收入居民服务的吗. 澳门真人赌场官方网站和社区保健共同管理一个卫生资源和服务管理局支持的公共卫生中心.
In 2008, 澳门真人赌场官方网站部创建了社区保健,以运营其联邦合格保健中心(FQHC)初级诊所, previously run by the City of Austin and Travis County. fqhc向人们提供初级和预防性保健,无论其支付能力如何.
Now with more than two dozen clinic locations, 中央健康的社区保健是德克萨斯州和美国第二大的此类系统, like other FQHCs, 大多数董事会成员都是健康中心的病人.
Our story: two decades of transforming Travis County healthcare
Ever since it was created by voters in 2004, 澳门真人赌场官方网站创新并改变了需要并应该获得高质量澳门银河真人在线赌场的人如何得到完整和健康的服务. 这种转变今天仍在继续,因为我们确保澳门银河真人在线赌场变得更好:
- Better for the 150,000+ Central Texans we serve every year with high-quality, compassionate medical care in their own communities.
- 对需要更好澳门银河真人在线赌场的特拉维斯县社区更好, 当我们联系并一起学习什么对他们最有效时,他们总是坐在桌子旁.
- Better for Travis County taxpayers, 他们对澳门真人赌场官方网站的慷慨投资使我们能够提供人们现在需要的服务,弥合几代人以来分隔德克萨斯州中部的鸿沟,使我们整个社区更加健康.
- Better for our employees, providers, 我们的合作伙伴每天都在合作,建立一个同理心和有效的澳门银河真人在线赌场生态系统,同时承认和尊重彼此的独特贡献和不可估量的才能.
Our name and logo
“澳门真人赌场官方网站”这个名字反映了我们对德克萨斯州中部的承诺,也表明了我们在规划方面的关键作用, paying for, 并为特拉维斯县的低收入居民提供澳门银河真人在线赌场. 我们就像一个繁华的枢纽,汇集资源,协调努力,促进卫生公平. We’re not just a healthcare provider; we’re a dynamic force fostering connectivity and inclusivity for a healthier future.
C – The “C” stands for “central” and “community”
H – The “H” stands for “health”
+ -国际公认的澳门银河真人在线赌场十字象征着团结、同情和关怀.
Our Impact
Our patients
155,685 people served in FY2023 – a 2% year-over-year increase.
Our care
Our network
247 provider locations, including community health centers, hospitals, specialists, dentists, and urgent care locations.
Our growth
In 2023 Central Health’s provider network increased by 12%. 包括阿片类药物治疗在内的19个新提供者加入了该网络, primary care, and specialty providers.